As we continue to adapt in a very disruptive environment around us, technology plays an important role in enabling us to deliver a better customer experience @ pos. Sharing below some of the transformational work that has been undertaken at our retail stores (DES, LFR, MBO) which will help us enhance our overall customer engagement.

Customers can view product catalog, videos, offers just by scanning QR code from their mobile for the product content in a much contactless hygienic environment.

Easy to deploy at faster timelines, thereby reducing the speed to market time by 50% and adding splendor to the store.

Digitized content on product features or offers can be shared with customer on his mobile, both in static and video mode.

A digital and graphical appeal to all the content on the Retail Media Network (RMN) in sync to the digital elements at DES retail space.

Accommodating and controlling the relevant content on the screens at multi-brand and large format outlets helps us in creating a consistent experience to customers across GTMs.

We have converted all classroom trainings into Webinars to train all in shop promoters on both product and soft skills. We also have been sharing role play videos through our indigenous Exceed app.

With SMS taking a backseat, we are comforting the customer experience in finding the nearest store through WhatsApp geo tagging, giving a flawless experience to the customer.